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As you can probably guess, our main audience at includes food handlers and managers, restaurant owners and operators, and health department officials: all those who have food safety in the forefront of their minds. Chances are high that you (the one who is reading this article) are one of these people. Today, we’d like […]
For this month’s activity, take a break and head to YouTube to watch an episode from our Food Safety Talkabout Series. In this #talkabout series, members of our team took to the streets of Utah to ask people questions about proper hand hygiene, proper food preparation tips, and more. In the videos, we aim to […]
Welcome to the New Year! It’s a brand new year full of new choices, new resolutions, and new achievements. We would like to introduce you to our new Cartoon Calendar. Every year we release a new Cartoon Calendar that uses cartoons to teach a food safety principle each month. In an effort to improve our interaction […]
Source contamination is any type of contamination that occurs before the food enters your establishment. The most important thing you can do to prevent source contamination is to purchase your food from approved suppliers. Download Image: Approved Suppliers Cartoon
Happy holidays from Thank you for choosing to provide high-quality online food safety training. From our team to yours, thank you for a great year! To watch the full version, visit us on YouTube.