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If you’re not aware of’s Cartoon Calendar, you won’t want to miss this incredible resource! Our 18-month calendar makes food safety training less of a chore and a lot more fun through its comical illustrations of food safety concepts. Principles such as food hazards, personal hygiene, and proper cooking temperatures are taught through these […]
In warmer weather, food spoils more quickly, and bacteria multiply more rapidly. And as temperatures continue to rise across the country, it’s important to keep food safety in mind. For this month’s activity, join us in a discussion on summer food safety: What are some of the special precautions that you take to keep food […]
For this month, if you complete our survey on your experience with our calendar, you will be entered in a drawing to win an iTunes gift card! This survey is to help us improve our calendar for next year. We want to make sure you are satisfied with our services. Please click here to fill […]
For this month’s activity, we would like to hear your suggestions for future calendar ideas. If you have any great food safety jokes or cartoon ideas, we would love to hear them. The owner of the best joke or cartoon will receive an iTunes gift card. Several of the best jokes or cartoon ideas may […]
This month’s activity is a scavenger hunt that will take you through our social media platforms and accounts. Use the clues below to build the discount coupon that we are providing in April for Food Handler Training. Once you figure out what the coupon code is, you can enter it into our website during the […]