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Supporting Your Local Health Initiatives with NACCHO

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In June 2015, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) launched an environmental health blog, Healthy People, Healthy Places: The Essential Elements of Local Public Health, on their website.

The blog shares information from NACCHO’s Environmental Health and Infectious Disease portfolios to help support local health departments and their initiatives to build safe and sustainable communities. According to their website, the goal of this blog is to share information that “supports local health departments in fostering a safe and healthful environment that promotes human health and well-being, in ensuring capacity to respond to and control infectious diseases, and in development of innovative tools and resources.”

They cater generally to public health professionals working in local health departments and more specifically to environmental health professionals at the local level, and people working in infectious disease control (epidemiologists, etc.).

According to the blog’s editor, Katie Regan, NACCHO’s blog provides “original commentary from the NACCHO staff and guest authors that digs deep into an issue of concern for our audience (such as food safety).” is happy to support any and all efforts of environmental health departments in their food safety initiatives. We recently contributed to this blog with an article on Three Ways to Support Local Food Safety during National Food Safety Month. We were glad for the opportunity and thank NACCHO for the invitation to contribute.

Rachelle Riffle

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