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Food Safety Manager Certification with StateFoodSafety

StateFoodSafety is proud to announce the release of the Food Protection Manager Certification Exam. This ANAB-accredited exam allows food service managers to get certified to provide safe food in their establishments.


Passing the Food Protection Manager Certification Exam earns the Food Safety Manager Certification. This certification communicates to the food service and retail industry that a manager has the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to oversee the safe storage, preparation, and service of food in the workplace. Most environmental and regulatory bodies across the United States require at least one Certified Food Safety Manager per food service location.

StateFoodSafety always strives to go above and beyond the standard for food safety training and certification. While this exam is equivalent to the other four food protection manager certification programs (ServSafe (National Restaurant Association), the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals (NRFSP), Learn2Serve (, and Prometric), additional training features and simple exam scheduling should simplify the process for food managers and employers.

Managers will be tested on their understanding of food contamination prevention, employee health and hygiene, food service equipment and utensils, facility design, regulatory compliance and recordkeeping, and managerial responsibilities. The exam is currently available in English and Spanish.

Preparing for the Exam
Managers can prepare for the exam using the following resources:

StateFoodSafety Food Safety Manager Training and Practice Test
FDA Food Code 2017
Guidance for Industry: Retail Food Stores and Food Service Establishments: Food Security Preventive Measures Guidance
Proper Thermometer Placement
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs
Allergens and Ingredients of Public Health Concern: Identification, Prevention and Control, and Declaration through Labeling

Managers can also prepare for testing in an online environment using our Exam-Taking Tutorial.

Scheduling an Exam Session
The Conference for Food Protection requires the Food Protection Manager Certification to be administered by a qualified proctor. A proctor monitors exam sessions to ensure that exams are taken fairly. StateFoodSafety offers three options for test-takers looking for a proctored exam session: they can take the exam in a testing center, online with an online proctor, or with a local StateFoodSafety-approved proctor. No matter the option they choose, test-takers can schedule their exam session using StateFoodSafety’s simple online scheduling process.

Your company or local regulatory authority may offer in-house proctored exam sessions through StateFoodSafety. Visit our website for more information on the benefits of proctoring through StateFoodSafety and the free process for becoming a proctor.

Please be aware that individuals who have taken the StateFoodSafety Food Protection Manager Certification Exam will not be approved to proctor exams until the next business quarter begins. There must be sufficient time between taking the exam and proctoring the exam.

Training Solutions
This exam completes StateFoodSafety’s food safety training and testing product offering. The company now provides every type of training and certification that a food establishment might need. Training, certification, and reporting can all be done in one place. And by combining technology innovation and outstanding customer service, StateFoodSafety fills a need that the industry seems to be seeking.

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